Double-down Dubya

                                by Robert S. Becker (2005)

                                Did Dubya miss the election,
                                When voters yelled "Cut and run"?
                                Did he miss the mass defection,
                                Befuddled what needs be done?

                                Millions cry George botched his war,
                                Making "victory" an empty shout;
                                Deranged hawks cry "More troops forward,"
                                While outraged millions beg, "Get out."

                                Betrayals mock majority rule
                                Inviting last-ditch "doubling-down."
                                How badly will Dubya be the fool,
                                Before comeuppance 'gainst his crown?

                                It's not like voters claim no warrant
                                Against a president unrestrained;
                                Need we invoke bold impeachment
                                To end the worst of George's reign?

                                Yet all fear Cheney, the more perverse,
                                Heart of darkness atop Bush's throne.
                                Would dual impeachments be any worse,
                                Nor banish twin evils with one stone?

                                For next in line sits Madame Speaker,
                                A Democrat who won't stand pat,
                                She won the mandate, not a squeaker,
                                To find some peace from endless combat!

                                A woman pres. solves one more debate,
                                As breakthrough White House resident;
                                She'll settle party qualms before '08,
                                Embracing Hillary as vice-president!

Try another Robert S. Becker poem - To a Coy President

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