Atlanta Center highlights hidden victims of fake news

For Immediate release: Hidden Victims identified

(ACPA-Atlanta) For years failing and lazy students have relied on plagiarism to complete term papers. Tried and tested cheating techniques guaranteed success to the study-challenged, many of whom went on to successful careers in industry and banking, thanks to their creativity.

But with the advent of extensive fake news on the Internet and television, well meaning plagiarizers are being caught off guard. One forlorn student admitted, "it's just too easy to steal someone else's ideas and then find out after you submitted your paper that it was all an Internet lie. It isn't fair."

 Guinness undrunk- innocent victim of diligent students Research indicates that these fake news victims are being forced to do better and more thorough research and have less time to devote to drinking, partying and general goofing-off. The Center data also demonstrated that students who become more focused on means rather than results, will be severely challenged when they go into corporate life. "It's the quarterly result that counts, not how you get there," said one corporate recruiter.

Beer companies are also feeling the pinch as they become secondary victims of the trend.

"We need a classification system on all news stories with categories for real news, fake news and just plain stupid news to reduce the victim count," argued Ronald Pecorry, Internet research expert, "otherwise the economy is going to suffer."

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